OK, so who am I, after all? I have been a pupil of the HvF Gymnasium in Braunschweig, Germany, where I've been born.
Afterwards I studied at the Technical University of Braunschweig, became Dipl. Inform. in 2009 and completed my PhD in computer science in 2018.
I worked at asco.de in my remaining time to earn some money, we did webpage developement. My part mainly consists of backend programming, not of design.
In 2007 a friend and I founded an IT consultancy, and are now enjoying ourselves while solving hard problems for other IT companies.
I use the rest of my free time to sit in front of some computers, also programming (sometimes even useful) pieces of software. I often release the software as open source.
I love all things related to computers but programming in special. That's why I learned a whole bunch of languages until now and am still happy to learn new ones from time to time.
Well, just in case you wonder what my view about the world might be, have a look at the Giordano Bruno Foundation and at Taoism.net.
If you want to contact me, best do it by mail: drahflow@gmx.de or jens@<the consultancy above> (oldschool telnet SMTP works here). Of course, I have a PGP key.
Alternatively, snailmail goes to:
Jens-Wolfhard Schicke-Uffmann
Gutenbergstraße 1
38118 Braunschweig