Debian on the Samsung SM-T110

After having setup two SM-T113 with debian as extra touchscreens, I wanted to achieve the same on a SM-T110. Unfortunately, a simple clone of the T110 system image did not boot, e.g. due to bootanimation throwing "Invalid instruction".

The hardware was less enthusiastic on flashing stuff via heimdall (probably just due to low battery and my impatience), so ultimately, I moved to debian mostly from a stock /system image.

TWRP was not booting, but TWRP did. This immediately offered to install SuperSU and the path to local root was smooth.

I used the SimpleSSHd app to rsync my debian chroot (the same as for the SM-T113), and everything basically worked the same as before, except that the kernel did not provide tty64, but only tty1-63.

So I had to do one change:

localhost# cat /root/

LD_PRELOAD=/root/ /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg -sharevts -noreset -retro vt1

Everything else is setup the same way as on the SM-T113s.